hokie happenings ad

Hokie Happenings is the monthly e-newsletter of the NCR VTAA and has around 9,000 subscribers (and growing!). 

  • Requests must be received by the 15th to make the next month's mailing.

  • You are guaranteed two (2) consecutive placements in the newsletter.

  • The cost for the initial placement is $150 for the first two ad placements.

  • You may increase your ad placement beyond the two initial publications. For each additional placement it will cost $50 per placement after the initial two.

We will provide space for a short blurb of up to 75 words. A photo may also be included in your advertising purchase. Special arrangements may also be made for larger photos and without a blurb.

If you are interested in advertising in the newsletter, please email

website footer Ad

We are pleased to offer space in the footer of our website at (same reference as,,

  • You may place your ad linked to your preferred site in our footer for a monthly rate of $50.

  • Optimal size for your ad image is 255 x 187px in jpg format.

  • If you are interested advertising on our website, please send an email to with the starting and ending month.

  • Upon receiving your request, we will send you an invoice within 48 hours with instruction on how to pay. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to use the above email and we will assist you in evaluating your options.

The National Capital Region Chapter of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association (VTAA-NCR) serves alumni living in the cities of Alexandria, Falls Church and Fairfax, the counties of Arlington and Fairfax, Virginia; Montgomery and Prince Georges, Maryland and the District of Columbia. The Virginia Tech Database contains records of more than 30,000 resident alumni for our general area.

VTAA-NCR is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to the chapter in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law. VTAA-NCR is registered in the Commonwealth of Virginia.